URL Encoder / Decoder

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Di URL Encoder / Decoder

URL Encoder / Decoder is a tool that allows you to encode and decode URL components. When encoding data, it's important to know what kind of encoding you're using, so that the data can be decoded properly by the recipient of your message.


Decoding a URL that has been encoded with percent-encoding is easy, but if you try to decode a URL that has an unknown format, it might not be possible. For example, if you have a string of text in plain English and want to send it to someone else as a binary file, you need to encode it using an encoding scheme that converts the text into binary data.


This tool can help with that—it will allow you to convert between different types of encodings and then decode the result back into plaintext.


URL Encoder / Decoder is a great tool if you want to quickly encode or decode part of a URL. It's also useful if you want to change just a few characters in a URL.


You can use the URL Encoder / Decoder to encode or decode HTML, XML, and CSS files, which can be very useful if you want to quickly make changes to these types of files.