Robots.txt Generator

Standard - Alle Roboter sind:  
Seitenverzeichnis: (leer lassen, wenn Sie nicht haben) 
Roboter suchen: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Eingeschränkte Verzeichnisse: Der Pfad ist relativ zu root und muss einen abschließenden Schrägstrich enthalten "/"

Erstellen Sie jetzt die Datei "robots.txt" in Ihrem Stammverzeichnis. Kopieren Sie den obigen Text und fügen Sie ihn in die Textdatei ein.

Über Robots.txt Generator

What is a robots-txt-generator ? Robots.txt Generator is a tool that helps in the creation of robots.txt files with rules that are appropriate to your website. We Do not provide SEO Software or Robots.txt Rules, we provide a Robots Preview Tool that helps you generate and test your robots.txt file with 468 different rules and see the impact it has on your page speed, plus give you suggestions on what you could improve in your robots.txt file based on Google Webmaster Guidelines. 


A robots.txt file is a text file with the extension .txt that must be placed in the root directory of your website. Its purpose is to inform search engines, spiders and browsers if they can index the content of a specific page or not to index, how they should do it or how deep they can crawl in a page.


One of many things that SEOs must worry about is making sure that search engines can crawl their websites. Search engine friendly URLs are important for achieving this purpose – often, though, it's not enough. Just because a URL is search engine friendly doesn't mean that it is getting indexed. 


Adding a robots-txt-generator to your WordPress website will solve this issue.ots.txt file is one of the most important files for your site! It's an interesting file because it doesn't contain any HTML. Instead, it only uses plain text. This means that you don't need any coding experience to edit your robots file.