Keyword Density Checker

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عن الموقع Keyword Density Checker

SEO Tools’ Keyword Density Checker is a simple but quite useful tool that helps you check the density of keywords in a particular text.


You should know that the number of times a keyword appears on a particular page directly impacts the SEO of that text and it is what everybody calls Keyword Density.


If you mention the keyword less number of times then the search engines wouldn’t get the signal to give a boost to your site. On the contrary, If you stuff the keywords on your website then the Google is not even going to bother itself with your website.


And this tool helps you determine exactly that.


The “key” with keyword density is that you have to get it just right. Ideally a 2000 word text should have 2-3 keywords at the least, 4 times at maximum. 


And as many SEO specialists agree, each keyword should have a minimum word limit of 200 words in between.


Seo specialists also say that you should rely on the right tools to assist and measure the success of your SEO.

And this tool was built exactly with that idea. 


We optimize this tool to reflect most accurate and reliable results everytime Google rolls out a new update.


How does it work?


This tool practically does algorithmic calculation of dividing the number of times the keyword has appeared on your website by the number of total words on the website.

But that is not all that it does. Aside from the keyword density, thai tool also helps you learn the following:


  • Number of total keywords on the page

  • Page load speed

  • All the keywords that are used on the page or text in tag cloud

  • Top keywords in search and their frequency

  • Percentage of keywords and classification on the basis of word count in the keyword or phrase